Why taxes sucks

Have you ever been in a situation where felt like you spent more money than you actually thought you did? This may be because of explicit cost.

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So what is explicit cost?

Explicit cost subtle charges that are added on to the final price. For example, a company would like to hire labor for their factories. While the initial cost would be pretty straight forward, the explicit isn’t immediately stated, which would be things like worker’ insurance, training cost.ETC.

While costs like this may not seem all that bad, over time they can cost way more than what was expected. This is where taxes comes in;

Taxes are monetary charges that are enforced by the government, These charges are use to fund the government’s expenditures. This may sound great at first, but these charges are made everywhere; towards your income, your purchases, and even (get this) your lottery winnings. The last thing anyone would want after winning the lottery would have a portion of it taken away, even if it was for a good cause.

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